Jer considers it a privilege to teach & train and tries to keep it in a healthy rhythm with family life, community life, & peace work. Whether it’s a formal speaking context (sermon, plenary session, lecture) or more informal training context, Jer seeks to personalize his communication and content to fit your objective. In any context, he has a very unique style that is intelligent, engaging, and creative.
Key Topics: Jer is a thought leader who frequently teaches nationally and internationally in the areas of peacemaking and conflict transformation, Jesus, faith and culture, enemy love, practice-based formation methods, culture creating, and collaborative leadership.
Honorarium: Jer has no set fee for speaking, but asks the hosting group to suggest an honorarium that reflects the value of his time for preparation, travel, on-site interactions, and any travel-related expenses (flights, gas, meals, lodging). Jer likes to maximize the impact of his travel by connecting with multiple groups in the cities he visits, with expenses being split among benefiting groups. For the sake of economy and friendship, Jer prefers home stays where a private room is available.
Travel Companion: When possible, Jer requests travel for two. There is great wisdom in Jesus model of traveling in pairs – for accompaniment, accountability, and shared leadership.
By clicking SUBMIT, you confirm that you have read & understand the Speaking Details above. Jer will be in touch shortly to explore this opportunity further.