I’m reading a great book right now called Emerging Churches by Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bloger. Through vast research in the U.S. and the U.K., they have defined 9 characteristics that are shared by “emerging churches.” Read the book to discover what they are…
Here are some of my intitial thoughts–
I wonder about the “emerging church.” What is it really? I am a part of what some would call an “emerging” church or an “emerging community”, but I have no idea why. Frankly, I am a bit confused about why this new movement is here and what they/we (whoever they/we are) stand for.
If we are an emerging church–are we a church? To me, the word “emerging” would imply that it hasn’t arrived quite yet. Perhaps there is truth in that. (This point is discussed in the book).
Recently, I have been in on several conversations where the “emerging church” has been defined as a response to the church not doing its job or becoming irrelevant. I don’t like the thought of any flavor of the church being a reaction to anything. There will always be an new fad–a way of doing church. My fear is that we all get so caught up in the conversation of how to do church that we lose sight of what it means to BE the church. The title of “The Emerging Church” potentially spells more alienation or division.
As I tap more into this book (which is very helpful) I would love to be able to dialogue with you about the “emerging church.”
My second question: Can you paint a picture from the Text of what the Church was originally designed as and for?
My first question: What is your definition of the “emerging church?”