I leave on November 27th for Arizona. They’ll train us for a day and then we fly to Isalmabad by way of Hong Kong.
I’ll be there until the 11th of December. If I have the chance to get to a computer while I’m there, I will update my blog instead of trying to email the stories to everyone. If I do not have computer access, I will upload the stories after I get home.
During the interview between this service organization and myself, they asked me the following question:
What are you doing to prepare emotionally, physically, and spiriutally for this trip?
I answered:
Emotionally–How do you prepare emotionally for seeing the devastation of a 7.6 earthquake that leaves 3 million people homeless in the mountains? I guess I’m sharing the story with my communities and asking them to help me prepare.
Physically–I run, cycle, and swim a lot. I’ll keep doing that. I’m also pretty comfortable in high alpine situations.
Spiritually–God has been preparing me for this for 25 years. If I just started to prepare now, I’d be in big trouble!
Conisder this: What will it be like to offer a hand of friendship, brotherhood, and compassion to those that the American media would identify as our enemy?
Let this story be told!