This post is random….
I was talking to a friend today and we were discussing what it would be like if we took Jesus literally when He said things like, “Lose your life.” or “Sell everything.” or “Take care of the hurting (orphans and widows).”
Today I question if that is even possible in the American suburb.
(I mean today literally because on most days, I have more hope. Today has been difficult.)
When did the “American Dream” become a better dream than God’s? I italicized “better” because we live lives that make that question legitimate. We have chosen to let ourselves become deceived into believing that a way outside of the Father’s is better. This means that we don’t dream about people coming to know and follow Jesus at any price anymore, but instead dream of bigger homes, nicer cars, and if plastic surgery were an option–where we had have some work done. Instead of envisioning ourselves courageously and communally walking in obedience to the rhythm of Jesus, we dream of great vacations, the best clothes and the latest home theater systems. Instead of desiring to be a part of a community of people who care about what is happening in our world and being part of God’s solution, we dream of owning condos in the mountains and cabins next to freshwater lakes where we can create our “safe havens” away from it all.
I’ll admit, these are the frustrated musings of a man who has spent the last two weeks reading Scripture, the newspaper, and a great book occassionally interrupted by brief news updates on what is happening in our world (here and abroad). These are the frustrated musings of a man who spent part of his morning praying for God to intercede in Lebenon and talking with a community of friends about how we as the Church can respond to the violence and senseless death of countless people in Iraq, Palestine and Israel.
After that invigorating, life-giving, solution-based conversation where talk wasn’t of writing a check, but of taking Jesus’ words literally and living compassionately, with costly love, at any price for the sake of hurting–I went to a meeting where we talked about how we thought worship time went at a particular church.
Something doesn’t sit right with me if church is all about performance and production and how we thought “worship” went. We seem to spend a lot more time talking about cosmetic enhancement and the preservation of the “church people” than we do what is happening in the world around us and what God might have us do or be a part of to bring healing.
Doesn’t it seem ironic to you that the Church cries out for the U.N. to respond to those who are hurting?
I have a dream for the Church were we take Jesus’ words literally–where we respond first.
Huh–maybe this isn’t my dream–maybe it’s God’s….